Securely process and act on data
The IoT edge is where things first get connected. With Dell Technologies solutions such as gateways, embedded PCs and specialised servers, your customers can securely process and act on data while it matters, where it matters. Further, Dell Technologies enable your customers to take control of the IoT edge with management software, as well as simplify interoperability.
Beat impracticality challenges
IoT requires more than just compute at the edge and in the cloud. After all, sending data to the cloud can be impractical because of bandwidth, network reliability and latency. Which is why Dell Technologies provide what they call the distributed core, a layer of data centre-level compute, storage and networking that functions close to the data source and enables rapid, sophisticated decision making and powerful machine learning.
Discover insights and create value
At the edge and in the distributed core, speed is paramount. But in the cloud, it’s all about discovering insights that create value over time – the kind of strategic insights that can transform your customers’ enterprise. This requires powerful processing, massive storage and potent networks to perform deep learning across vast, integrated data sets, as well as the ability to develop cloud native applications.